
Standuply is a Digital Assistant for Remote teams. It automates the standup meetings, retrospectives, task estimations and more. Standuply Experts is the knowledge marketplace to help companies grow their business by using world class experts' advice. Standuply now gives us the insights to craft the right follow up. We don’t have a reports mindset, where we’d stick to a practice that doesn’t have value. But if we can see that running a report at a certain time doesn’t work well for one person, Standuply helps us quickly identify that pattern. Standuply provides a shared knowledge space with all team's repeated answers for everyone's access. If there is no answer, Standuply routes the question to a relevant internal or external subject matter expert. For example: how to keep a remote team.

‘Come on. It’s time to start the standup meeting.’ This is our daily bot texting us every morning at 8 to notify us about our daily meeting. Standuply automates management processes via Slack and brings experienced mentors on board to mentor your team. These agile processes like Standup and retrospective meetings, team motivation Check-up can be automated with Standuply. You might want to know how your team members are feeling, what they are struggling with, what goes well, do a digital 1:1 meeting with your team members, or maybe a simple multiple-choice. This all can be done automatically with Standuply by typing it once, and the bot will take care of the rest as if a real human being is doing the job.

Handy features

Features that make Standuply our daily go-to tool:

  • Receive a notification every morning to remind you about your stand-up meeting.

  • Automated daily standup meetings.

  • Automated questionnaire.

  • Possibility to do a digital 1:1 meeting with your team members.

  • Get insights from your team members.

  • Become a productivity superhero.


Standuply is a full-featured digital scrum master for Slack that automates asynchronous stand-up meetings via text, voice, and video and tracks team performance.

Standuply gets everyone on the same page by collecting meeting answers asynchronously and automatically. No more scarfing down your lunch to make the meeting or waiting on the guy from Australia to begin, mate.

Kick things off by setting up meeting questions through Standuply’s clean interface and pick a schedule based on either a set time zone or each team member’s local time.

Standuply Slack

After your selected participants submit their responses, Standuply collects the results and delivers them through a Slack channel or DM, email, or Webhook.

Information flows on your terms, whether you want to communicate team answers as separate messages or packed in a thread.

With pre-defined templates, Standuply makes it easy to run not only stand-ups but retrospective meetings, team surveys and polls, team mood checks, Planning Poker, backlog grooming, and so much more.

Planning Poker is a game-changing feature that allows you to connect Standuply to Trello (JIRA coming soon) so that your team can submit their task list estimations. With estimations being gathered automatically, you don’t need separate meetings to see when things will be done.

Miss me with that missed memo, too, because you can also send reminder messages to your team as one-time or recurring events.

Standuply’s sleek database sparks joy and productivity, storing and organizing all messages like Marie Kondo.

You can sort by person, question, report, etc. so you never waste time on a bug someone already fixed.

Meanwhile, Standuply tracks your team’s performance with a JIRA Sprint burndown chart, project flow chart, and an analytics dashboard that dishes out dozens of useful metrics.

These transparent metrics keep stakeholders in the loop and help you define your team goals clearly so your team can hit milestone after milestone (Mission: Possible).

Want to be heard loud and clear? Try the /voice or /video commands!

You’ll be able to record voice or video messages up to five minutes long, which Standuply then uploads as a private YouTube video for you to share.

This feature is super useful for remote members that might need picture in order to get the full picture.

And don’t worry about juggling tools, either — Standuply is ready to integrate with platforms like Trello, JIRA, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Google Analytics.

Agile teams everywhere from companies like Slack, IBM, Adobe, eBay, and Intel use Standuply to meet on their own terms.

If disorganized stand-up meetings have you saying, “No, I don’t want no scrums,” then we’ve got the answer for you. Say hello to the AppSumo Standuply Program Manager Plan, featuring:

The key to effective team communication is just clicks away. Snag lifetime access to the Program Manager Plan for just $59.

Automate your stand-ups today!


Free alternatives cramp your style with limited options and the barest minimum in Agile process coverage.


Only Standuply gives you the highest level of security and the flexibility to customize questions, scheduling options, and make tweaks down to the bot’s name and avatar.


Standuply Status

Combining consistency with adaptability, Standuply makes automating broader workflows a cinch with options like 360-review meetings, conditional questions, third-party integrations, and tons of other features competitors don’t offer!

Standuply teams

Meeting up with friends as an adult is hard enough (Liz has a second job, Dave has the triplets, and Karen has hip-hop yoga on Thursdays).

Meeting with team members scattered around the world sounds near-impossible.

Until now.

Get lifetime access to Standuply today!

Standuply Review

P.S. Learn how to use Standuply like a pro! Click here to watch the demo & walkthrough.