Shotcut 20.11.28

Cross-platform (Qt), open-source (GPLv3) video editor - mltframework/shotcut Fixed Insert Track creates wrong layer/composite ordering (broke in v20.11.25). Fixed gradient color chooser affecting filters: Gradient, Audio Light Visualization, Audio Spectrum Visualization, an. 20.11.28 Shotcut is a multiplatform and open-source video editor with which you can carry out tiny edits on all sorts of video, audio and image files on your PC. Shotcut is a multiplatform video editor that accepts a vast array of audio, video, and image formats for editing or conversion. 20.11.28 (64bit) Nov 30th, 2020. Happy there is always progress with Shotcut; However, some changed item positions for menus are slowing user workflow (adding clicks) 🙁 Please return “Lift (Z)” to top-level right-click. Please return all 3 Track-options (Add Audio, Add Video, Insert Track, Remove Track) to top-level right-click.


Main Menu

File > NewCtrl+Ncommand+N
File > OpenCtrl+Ocommand+O
File > Open OtherCtrl+Shift+Oshift+command+O
File > SaveCtrl+Scommand+S
File > Save AsCtrl+Shift+Sshift+command+S
File > Export VideoCtrl+Ecommand+E
File > Export FrameCtrl+Shift+Eshift+command+E
File > CloseCtrl+Wcommand+W
File > QuitCtrl+Qcommand+Q
Edit > UndoCtrl+Zcommand+Z
Edit > RedoCtrl+Y / Ctrl+Shift+Zshift+command+Z
View > FullscreenF11 / Ctrl+Shift+Fcontrol+command+F / F11
View > Audio Peak MeterCtrl+1command+1
View > PropertiesCtrl+2command+2
View > RecentCtrl+3command+3
View > PlaylistCtrl+4command+4
View > TimelineCtrl+5command+5
View > FiltersCtrl+6command+6
View > KeyframesCtrl+7command+7
View > HistoryCtrl+8command+8
View > ExportCtrl+9command+9
View > JobsCtrl+0command+0
Help > Keyboard Shortcuts??
Help > TopicF1F1
Rename clip (Properties)F2F2
Find (Recent)F3F3
Settings > Proxy > Use ProxyF4F4
Settings > Preview Scaling > NoneF6F6
Settings > Preview Scaling > 360pF7F7
Settings > Preview Scaling > 540pF8F8
Settings > Preview Scaling > 720pF9F9


PlayL or SpaceL or space
PauseK or SpaceK or space
Fast ForwardLL
Set InII
Set OutOO
Next FrameRight or K+Lright or K+L
Previous FrameLeft or K+Jleft or K+J
Forward One SecondPage Downpage down
Backward One SecondPage Uppage up
Forward Two SecondsShift+Page Downshift+page down
Backward Two SecondShift+Page Upshift+page up
Forward 5 SecondsCtrl+Page Downcommand+page down
Backward 5 SecondsCtrl+Page Upcommand+Page up
Forward 10 SecondsCtrl+Shift+Page Downshift+command+page down
Backward 10 SecondsCtrl+Shift+Page Upshift+command+page up
Seek StartHomehome
Seek EndEndend
Seek Next EditAlt+Rightoption+right
Seek Previous EditAlt+Leftoption+left
Switch Source/ProgramEscesc
Grab FocusShift+Escshift+esc


CopyCtrl+C or Ccommand+C or C
Add Audio TrackCtrl+Ucommand+U
Add Video TrackCtrl+Icommand+I
Ripple DeleteX or Shift+Del or Shift+BackspaceX or shift+delete
LiftZ or Del or BackspaceZ or delete
Trim clip inII
Ripple trim clip inShift+Ishift+I
Trim clip outOO
Ripple trim clip outShift+Oshift+O
Select Track BelowDowndown
Select Track AboveUpup
Zoom In==
Zoom Out--
Zoom Fit00
Make Tracks ShorterCtrl+-command+-
Make Tracks TallerCtrl+=command+=
Select clipsingle left-click mousesingle-click mouse
Select and seek clipdouble left-click mousedouble-click mouse
Select under playheadCtrl+Spacecommand+space
Select AllCtrl+Acommand+A
Select NoneCtrl+Dcommand+D
Move selection leftCtrl+Leftcommand+left
Move selection rightCtrl+Rightcommand+right
Move selection upCtrl+Upcommand+up
Move selection downCtrl+Downcommand+down
Seek start of selecteddouble-clickdouble-click
Toggle Mute trackCtrl+Mcontrol+M
Toggle Hide trackCtrl+Hcontrol+H
Toggle Lock trackCtrl+Lcontrol+L
Toggle SnappingCtrl+Pcommand+P
Toggle Ripple modeCtrl+Rcommand+R
Toggle Ripple All TracksCtrl+Alt+Roption+command+R
Toggle Ripple mode and all tracksCtrl+Shift+Rshift+command+R
Insert TrackCtrl+Alt+Ioption+command+I
Remove TrackCtrl+Alt+Uoption+command+U
Copy Timeline to SourceCtrl+Alt+Coption+command+C
Center the PlayheadCtrl+Shift+Pshift+command+P
Scroll to Playhead on ZoomCtrl+Alt+Poption+command+P


Move UpCtrl+Shift+Upshift+command+up
Move DownCtrl+Shift+Downshift+command+down
Open NextAlt+Downoption+down
Open PreviousAlt+Upoption+up
Select AllCtrl+Shift+Ashift+command+A
Select Item N1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Selection NoneCtrl+Shift+Dshift+command+D
Open SelectedCtrl+Enter or double-clickcommand+return or double-click
Goto/SeekShift+Enter or Shift+double-clickshift+return or shift+double-click


Choose a FilterFF
Select Previous FilterUpup
Select Next FilterDowndown
Add Selected FilterEnterreturn
Remove FilterShift+Fshift+F


Shotcut 20.11.28Free
Zoom InAlt+=option+=
Zoom OutAlt+-option+-
Reset ZoomAlt+0option+0
Set Filter Start[[
Set Filter End]]
Set First Simple Keyframe{{
Set Second Simple Keyframe}}
Seek Previous Simple KeyframeAlt+[option+[
Seek Next Simple KeyframeAlt+]option+]
Toggle Keyframe at playhead;;

Rich Text Editor

Paste Text OnlyCtrl+Shift+Vshift+command+V
Select AllCtrl+Acommand+A
Move cursor to the rightRightright
Move cursor to the leftLeftleft
Move cursor to previous lineUpup
Move cursor to the next lineDowndown
Move cursor to next wordCtrl+Leftoption+left
Move cursor to previous wordCtrl+Rightoption+right
Move cursor to start of lineHomecommand+home or command+left
Move cursor to end of lineEndcommand+end or command+right
Move cursor to startCtrl+Homehome or command+up
Move cursor to endCtrl+Endend or command+down

Other Notes


Press and hold Shift+Alt to skim - scrub/seek using the horizontalposition of the mouse cursor without clicking and dragging.


  • While dragging shot or trimming, press and hold Alt to temporarilysuspend snapping. On Linux, pressing Alt before dragging willusually move the app window; so, press Alt after you start dragging.
  • Press and hold Shift+Alt to skim - scrub/seek using the horizontalposition of the mouse cursor without clicking and dragging.
  • Double-click a fade in/out control (circle) to toggle it between one second and none.

Multiple Selection in Playlist and Timeline

  • To select a range (multiple consecutive clips) click the first (or last) clip, press and holdShift and click the last (or first) clip.
  • To select or deselect multiple clips individually hold Ctrl (command on macOS)while clicking the clips.


  • Hold Ctrl (command on macOS) while dragging a keyframe to lock the timeand change only its value.
  • Hold Alt while dragging a keyframe to lock the value and change only its time.
  • Double-click a regular keyframe curve/line to add or remove a keyframe. (Not all parameters support a curve/linefor its keyframes.)
  • Double-click a simple keyframe to toggle it between one second and none.

Mouse Wheel


  • scroll vertically
  • use Alt to scroll horizontally

Shortcut 20 11 28 Button

Timeline and Keyframes

Shortcut 20 11 28 Hp

  • scroll horizontally*
  • use Alt to scroll vertically
  • use Shift to change track height
  • use Ctrl (command on macOS) to zoom in/out (change time scale)

* NOTE: On macOS, in order to scroll Timeline or Keyframes horizontally with a mouse wheel (not Magic Mouse or track pad), you must also use one of the following:

  • control (not command)
  • control+option
  • control+command
  • option+command

Shortcut 20 11 28 Pro

Entering Time Values

Shortcut 20 11 28 Free

Timecode fields—such as the prominent one at the bottom of theplayer—do not require you to enter a full timecode value. There are someshort-hand ways to enter time values. First of all, a number with nocolons (e.g., 100) is a frame number. Remember, frame numbers startat 0; so 100 is the 101-th frame! Including a colon (:) makes itinterpret as timecode (HH:MM:SS:FF where FF = frames) or a clockvalue (HH:MM:SS.MS where MS = milliseconds or any fraction of a second).The difference between the two is that the last field is delimited by acolon or decimal point (a comma in some locales). Next, not all of thefields of the time value need to be included. For example, you can enter“::1.0” for one second. However, not all of the separators need to beincluded - they are evaluated from right-to-left. Thus, for our example,“1:” is short for one second; however, “:1.0” or “:1.” is also onesecond but not “1.0” because it does not contain a colon. “:1.5” is oneand a half seconds. “1::” is one minute. “1:30:” is one minute andthirty seconds. “1:::” is one hour.