
Nightcore is normally music that has been sped up a bit. Typical traits of the genre is quite fast beats with high pitched voices, often based on trance/techno-ish songs.

  1. Nightcore Monster
  2. Monster Nightcore
  3. Nightcode Ide
  4. Nightcore Songs
  1. Nightcode Description: An IDE that bundles a smart editor, the Leiningen and Boot build tools, and a home screen with quick access to the Clojure cheatsheet and REPL.
  2. Nightcode is a handy integrated development environment that is aimed at programmers who are looking for a tool that can help them with projects written in Clojure or Java. With it you are able to.
  3. New Release of Nightcode: 2.8.0 (update javafx and clojure) This release updates javafx to 13 and clojure to 1.10.1. I also tried to fix issues with viewing/editing non-clojure files. Previously they were using codemirror but now all files (clojure and non-clojure) use paren.
  4. My Rec ommendation for Emacs + CIDER. My Recommendation for Emacs +.

Clojure support for Visual Studio Code

Project maintained by avliHosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Clojure and ClojureScript support for Visual Studio Code.


If you are a ClojureScript user, please read this section carefully.

Nightcore Monster

I’m trying, believe me!


Make sure that Leiningen is installed on your machine, open a Clojure file or project, wait until the extension starts the nREPL (see status on the bottom of the VSCode window) and connect to it - now all the goodies should work :-)

Doesn’t work? Not exactly what you need? See the Manual Configuration section!

Supported Features

  • Code completion
  • Code navigation
  • Interaction with REPL
  • Showing documentation on hover
  • Code formatting (cljfmt)
  • Function signatures
  • Integration with the Clojure unit test framework
Nightcore monster

Features That Are not Supported (but Nice to Have)

Nightcore songs
  • Linting

Connecting to the REPL

  • Open a terminal (either the one embedded in VSCode or a separate one)
  • Change directory to the root directory of the Clojure project (where the REPL started by clojureVSCode will have updated the hidden file .nrepl-port)
  • with lein, do lein repl :connect.

Evaluating code in the REPL

Clojure: Eval (in the command palette) will compile the current file in the editor and load it in the REPL.

Manual Configuration

The method from the Quickstart section utilizes the so-called embedded nREPL that is run as an internal process. Sometimes you need more control on your development environment. In this case you can disable the automatical firing of the embedded nREPL by setting the


option in your VSCode settings globally or per-project and connect manually to whichever REPL instance you want by “Clojure: Connect to a running nREPL” command. Note, that in order to make the autocompletion, go to definition, and formatting functionality work you have to write necessary dependencies in your profiles.clj. Put the following content to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj for macOS and Linux:

Alternatively, you can put the code above to your project project.clj file.

Contributed Configuration

The extension contributes the configuration parameters listed in the table below.

clojureVSCode.autoStartNReplWhether to start an nREPL when opening a file or project.
clojureVSCode.formatOnSaveFormat files with cljfmt on save.
clojureVSCode.cljfmtParametersFormatting parameters passed to cljfmt each time it runs, e.g. :indentation? true :remove-surrounding-whitespace? false
clojureVSCode.showResultInlineShow evaluation result inline.
clojureVSCode.ciderNReplVersionVersion of CIDER nREPL to use for the embedded nREPL.
clojureVSCode.cljfmtVersionVersion of cljfmt to use for formatting Clojure files.

ClojureScript Project Setup

The extension has the experimental support of ClojureScript. The example of a ClojureScript project setup can be found here. Checkout the project profile.clj file to learn what dependencies you need.

The embedded nREPL does not support ClojureScript, consider to use the “clojureVSCode.autoStartNRepl” setting. You will need to run an nREPL manually and execute the following commands inside it:

After that you can connect to the nREPL using the “Clojure: Connect to a running nREPL” command. Now you can evaluate you ClojureScript code and use the other extension facilities.


All kinds of errors on nREPL start

Please check that you’re using the latest version of CIDER nREPL. The version the extension uses by default updates periodically, but there still can be a mismatch. In order to redefined the CIDER nREPL version you can either:

  1. Define it in the ~/.lein/profiles.clj (see the “Manual Configuration” section above).
  2. Redefine it with the clojureVSCode.cljfmtVersion extension setting.

How to Contribute

Open an issue if you want to propose new features and ideas or to report bugs. If you want to help with some code and looking for a place to start, please check out the How to Contribute wiki page.



Package Details: nightcode 2.8.3-1

Package Actions

  • View PKGBUILD / View Changes
Git Clone URL: (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: nightcode
Description: An IDE that bundles a smart editor, the Leiningen and Boot build tools, and a home screen with quick access to the Clojure cheatsheet and REPL.
Upstream URL:
Licenses: custom
Conflicts: nightcode-git
Submitter: marcs
Maintainer: marcs
Last Packager: marcs
Votes: 2
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2016-07-28 09:24
Last Updated: 2020-03-09 12:08

Dependencies (3)

  • jdk-openjdk(jdk8-openjdk-dcevm, jdk11-openjdk-dcevm, jdk11-openjdk-dcevm-conflicts-fixed, jdk11-adoptopenjdk, jdk-adoptopenjdk, jdk15-adoptopenjdk)
  • clojure(clojure-git)(make)

Sources (2)

nac commented on 2020-01-21 00:59

Monster Nightcore

marcs commented on 2019-02-06 13:32

Hey there @milaxnuts

I changed the dependency to jdk8-openjdk, I was unable to replicate your error but it seems that boot has some problems with jdk-openjdk (v11), at least on Arch (or my config). Ran boot -u after setting jdk8-openjdk as the default and the package built fine.

I used the archlinux-java command to set my default jdk.

milaxnuts commented on 2018-12-09 20:25

please consider hard-coding PATH='/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/bin:$PATH' into the pkgbuild, and setting java-runtime=8 as dependency, as does closure-compiler

Nightcode Ide

build requires

Nightcore Songs

orotherwise (with java-10-openjdk) build fails with